Farm To Table Store

313 South Merrill Avenue
Glendive, MT
The Farm to Table Store is the newest addition to local food sustainability in Glendive. Not only does it carry the full line of Western Trails Food hulless barley and bean products, it is a feast for the eyes and the palate offering unique and local foods. The Farm to Table Store has 4 features: 1. natural and organic, 2. allergy sensitive to meet the needs for those seeking gluten free, vegan, dairy and nut free, etc. 3. An extensive bulk bin area offers grains, flours, nuts, dehydrated fruits, spices, trail mixes and snacks available in any quantity, and of course 4. Local and Made in MT section. We also cary vitamins and natural skin care products.

In the same 20,000 square foot building at 313 S Merrill Avenue, the Eastern Plains Event Center is home to the Food Development Center, a commercial kitchen for rent to caterers or to manufacture your family recipe to sell in grocery stores.

Two blocks away near the banks of the Yellowstone River, Western Trails Food is made and packaged into nutritious mixes bean and hulless barley products that not only are mighty tasty, but can help keep you healthy. This unique hulless barley is proven to help lower cholesterol with twice the beta glucans as oatmeal. Boost R Flakes, rolled whole grain barley flakes have a faithful following to keep folk's heart healthy, as well as high fiber, high protein, and low gluten. Western Trails Food also includes flapjack mixes, bread and soup mixes, whole grains and local beans promoting value-added agriculture and mighty good food available locally.

In 2006 Glendive's Farm to Table purchased Bud & Jean Clem's Western Trails Cowboy Food business as a perfect fit. The Clem's chuckwagon catering business produced their finger licking good Rustler Bean Sauce and they shared all their recipes. We are pleased to carry on their tradition of quality products and healthy recipes from the old west. Our goal is to use locally grown or Montana grown products and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

If you are in town on a summer Saturday morning, take in the Farmers Market, at 313 Sm Merrill, Ave, the EPEC and Store parking lot. You might want to check on the community garden in Highland Park or the commercial vegetables Bruce Smith, County Extension Agent, is growing in high hoop tunnels. Call us at 377-4285 or 377-4284 for directions or to make an appointment. We continue to grow with help from trained volunteers committed to the Farm to Table Project.

Store and Tour of food manufacture: All Year
Farmer's Market: Saturdays - June through mid-October
Gardens: Spring, Summer and Fall


From I-94 use Exit 215 into Glendive to the City Center, continue on Merrill Avenue (Glendive's Main Street parallel to Railroad tracks) 1.8 mile. We are in the Eastern Plains Event Center with a large parking lot.