Hardin Area Chamber of Commerce

Hardin Area Chamber of Commerce

10 East Railway
Hardin, MT
Western history comes alive in Hardin. Visitors will find activities and heritage at the nearby Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Custer National Cemetery and Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Take Exit 497 of I-90 to reach the Big Horn County Historical Museum and Visitor Information Center (665-1671), which offers cultural exhibits, restored buildings, special events, picnic area, gift shop and statewide travel information. Visit the Jailhouse Gallery at 310 North Center (665-3239) for its Indian culture, crafts, art exhibits and gift shop. Visit the Chamber of Commerce for information about Hardin and the area.


Hardin Area Chamber of Commerce is located in the old Historic Railroad Depot, 10 East Railway. Turn off I-90 at Exit 497 proceed into downtown Hardin to the Chamber office.