Magic City Blues, Montana's Urban Music Festival

Magic City Blues, Montana's Urban Music Festival

2500 Montana Ave
Billings, MT
Every summer, Magic City Blues, Montana’s Urban Music Festival, has attracted thousands and thousands of fans from all across the country to Billings, Montana.

Magic City Blues is an urban music festival in a rural state and a signature event for the City of Billings and the State of Montana.

Fans from all over the country have discovered our natural Montana hospitality, unique settings and fabulous lineups.

The festival site is located on the 2300-2500 blocks of Montana Avenue in downtown Billings. Gates open at 5pm and music starts at 5:30pm.

No chairs or outside food or drinks are allowed. There are limited seats in the GA area which people generally migrate through as they watch acts and move between the stages. Reserved seats at tables are available for purchase as an entire table of (8) or individually.

There are restaurants and bars open on the Montana Avenue during the festival and also grills, bars and food trucks set up on the street.