Northern Cheyenne Chiefs Powwow

Carl Bement Rd
Lame Deer, MT
The premier event of the Northern Cheyenne is the annual Fourth of July Celebration, the largest pow-wow held on the reservation. Activities to observe and participate in include fun runs and health walks.

The Princess Contest (all princesses welcomed), Indian dancing contests in all categories, parades, and Grand Entries welcome visitors to a brilliant display of color and traditions. Gourd dancing is held daily. Traditional feasts of Native foods are always part of the festivities, and all drum groups, dancers, singers and vendors are encouraged to attend.

Campsites at the Kenneth Beartusk Pow-wow Grounds, 3 miles south of Lame Deer are available and photography is welcomed.


Event will be held 3 miles south of Lame Deer on Cheyenne Avenue at the Kenneth Beartusk Memorial Pow Wow grounds.