Pompeys Pillar Trail

Pompeys Pillar National Monument is the only remaining on-site physical evidence of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Distance: A series of trails and country roads that total over 2-3 miles

Pompeys Pillar National Monument has a network of trails. Most are not handicapped accessible. Trails lead visitors around the base of the Pillar, through the riparian area long the Yellowstone River, up the Pillar via a boardwalk, and throughout the rest of the adjoining public lands via a network of dirt roads.

USGS Map: 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle Pompeys Pillar
Township 3N; Range 30E; Section 21


The Pillar overlooks the Yellowstone River about 25 miles east of Billings, Montana. Easily accessible from I-94 using Exit 23 (Pompeys Pillar Exit) or from Montana Highway 312.