Powder River Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture

2 Scale Road
Broadus, MT
The town draws its name from the Broaddus family, settlers in the late 1800s that originally homesteaded where the town is now situated. The Trautman family gifted the 80 acres for the township site when Broadus became the seat of the newly formed Powder River County in 1919. As a condition of the gift, a stipulation was included that the Broadus streets must be designed wide enough to turn a four horse team and wagon. Today, the businesses situated on those wide streets offer lodging, dining, Montana handcrafted gifts, antiques, clothing, western wear and tack, groceries, hardware and more. Services include ATM, veterinary clinic, airport, and emergency medical care. Visit the Powder River Historical Museum & Mac's Museum, Powder River Wildlife Museum, Rolling Hills Golf Course, Cottonwood Park and attend many exciting community events.


Powder River Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture office is located in the Visitor Information Center at 2 Scale Road east of Broadus off Highways 212/59. Open seasonally from May – September. prchamberofcomm.com