Powder River Depot Special Recreation Management Area

Powder River Depot Special Recreation Management Area

The 161 acre site can be accessible canoe, river boat or kayak; however no improved boat launch or take out facilities are present. Fishing, bird watching and wildlife viewing are frequent activities at this site. Overnight camping is permitted. This is a "Pack In, Pack Out" area and all garbage must be removed. No fireworks are allowed. Be mindful of seasonal and area fire restrictions.
This is a typical Yellowstone River riparian area where cottonwood, green ash and willow tree species dominate the river bank, flanked by grassy meadows. There are no facilities on site.

Please call the Miles City Field Office for current recreation site conditions and restrictions. River float maps are available at the MCFO.


Legal public access to this site is by boat only on the Yellowstone River. Some public access by land is granted by the private land owner.