Swanky Roots

Swanky Roots

The mother-daughter team of Ronna Klamert and Veronnaka Evenson use cutting-edge aquaponics technology to grow lettuce varieties in this massive greenhouse located in the Yellowstone River Valley just west of Billings. They built the facility in 2016 and began operations in 2017.

Veronnaka starts the tour at the gigantic koi tank. We learn that koi can by coy, staying deeper during the summer months, when the temperatures are warmer. The basic premise of aquaponics uses fish excrement, which becomes fertilizer, flowing through water to grow plants rather than in-ground plantings, is basic yet complex. And it is far more sustainable compared to common practices of fertilizing and irrigating.

Next, she pulls a flat of plants from the water trough as she explains what happens under the surface. As the plants’ roots take up water and nitrogen (the byproduct of fish excrement and microbes), the water is filtered and then returned to the koi fish.

Swanky Roots worker Photo by Visit Montana

With this aquaponics system, the plants grow two- to three-times as fast as with traditional methods and, perhaps more importantly, the operation uses one-sixth of the water that would be used with traditional in-ground, outside plantings. As we walk the rows, Veronnaka occasionally reaches out, snaps off a few leaves and hands them over for tasting. The tour is hands-on and multi-sensorial, although she does recommend that children be age seven or older.

Swanky Roots currently grows nine varieties of lettuce, kale and microgreens for direct to consumer; local groceries; Yellowstone Valley Food Hub (buying collective); and two local fine-dining facilities:  Walkers and Buffalo Block. Throughout the tour Veronnaka emphasizes the importance of sustainability and quality products that are grown locally (which also lessens environmental impacts of shipping).

Swanky Roots’ tours are available year-round, by reservation only, with an in-store purchase option.